This is where the fun begins. For some of Chicago’s best known institutions, the Front & Social crew has applied sound public relations and communication strategy to harness the power of today’s emergent social media platforms. Without a doubt, these online communication tools have proven to be a necessity in today’s business communications environment and have produced a measurable return on investment.
Step one of a sound social media engagement program must include research and understanding the platforms you wish to target and continuous monitoring of the conversation surrounding your business, brands, personnel and your competitors. While services might offer online social media monitoring, what does this data mean to your business? As a business owner, do you have time to analyze a data intensive report? Front & Social can help breakdown those important metrics and deliver a insightful, to the point report.
Now, with the help from Front & Social, let us craft your “new media” plan and establish your online presence with:
- Custom designed Facebook and Twitter profiles
- Monitor and reporting on the “conversation” about your business
- Recommend related opportunity for cross-promotions (Social Media Optimization)
- Seek out social influencers and build relationships
- Utilize emergent geolocation avenues such as Foursquare and Facebook Places