by | Oct 21, 2016 | Blog, Public Relations
A recap after a decade into the Public Relations business. Posted on my personal blog, please continue reading here: Managing trust; how gatekeepers faded into...
by | Dec 3, 2014 | Best Practices, Blog, Public Relations, Social Media
The Big Ask. How social media marketers effectively and efficiently build relationships with social media influencers and bloggers to build message amplification. While we do call it social media, pitching bloggers and online influencers is nothing like traditional...
by | May 25, 2012 | News, Public Relations, Search Engine Strategy
There’s obviously a difference in the public relations world when it comes to writing a blog post versus content prepared for a wire service but in the SEO digital world, the similarities blur when analyzed from a content marketing standpoint. In this post, I’ll...
by | Sep 26, 2011 | Around the Web, News, Plugins, Public Relations, Search Engine Strategy, Social Media
In the world of WordPress, we have a saying for multiple plugins that do the same thing. They unofficially can claim the title “Yet Another”. For example, there are several ways to create a contact form plugin for a WordPress blog but ultimately, in some...
by | Aug 21, 2011 | Around the Web, News, Public Relations
Infographics are GREAT Infographics, or information graphics, are nothing new. For years, society has harnessed the power of visual representation to logically interpret cause-and-effect through diagrams, timelines and flow charts. From newspapers and magazines to...