Building a Blog Business Plan

I’ve spent the last several years creating some of Chicago’s coolest new blogs and consulting some really awesome blog startups. Through these blogs I’ve noticed that getting starting a new blog or niche publication can be both exciting and a bit...

It’s a start: Blogging and SEO [Prezi]

One of the most common questions we receive typically relates to blogging and SEO – aka search engine optimization. I always like to first tell our clients during our initial discussion of our SEO services, when they initially start building a blog to focus on...

Blogging + Infographics

Infographics are a great addition to any blog post or even as a stand alone marketing tool.  WordPress for Public Relations, a Front & Social site, covers the Case for Infographics in a recent post by Scott Winterroth. Outlying benefits to creating infographics...

The Case for [INFOGRAPHIC]s

Infographics are GREAT Infographics, or information graphics, are nothing new. For years, society has harnessed the power of visual representation to logically interpret cause-and-effect through diagrams, timelines and flow charts. From newspapers and magazines to...